Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Mom, Can I Borrow That?

I don’t know how many people have witnessed this phenomenon, but last week, when I was on a lunch/shopping date with a few of my friends we did a little “people watching.” We sat at a café at South Coast Plaza (SCP) and just observed the women and their daughters as they passed and mused at the fact that they wore the same clothes.

Sit around at SCP next time your there and you will count more middle aged women in Seven jeans and teenage girls in Chanel than the laws of natural science should allow. I mean, shouldn’t it be the other way around? Mom is always trying to look fifteen years younger and her daughter is usually trying to look fifteen years older, and I guess they just meet in the middle. This seems to be the phenomenon mostly with upper-middle-class families however I have surely witnessed it in much lower income. I remember my friend and her mom used to wear the same Roxy clothes in middle school, the girl acted like that was cool but I have a feeling she was marginally mortified.

However the fixation with the high fashion brands is very interesting to me because I feel like I have witnessed it take over the minds of girls. But heck, I am in no way, going to deny I wouldn’t love to have a pair of Manolo Blahnik shoes or Yves Saint Laurent sunglasses, but not today at least, I still have to pay rent this month and buy a couple more books. So why do kids not only force their parents to buy this stuff for them, but also work themselves to death and spend it all on unnecessarily high fashion. Where did the superfluous NEED for expensive brands come from? Television? Movies? Magazines? Peer pressure? I am researching the issue and hopefully with be able to provide you with an answer. For now, I guess, we can just reminisce. Does anyone remember when Abercrombie and Fitch used to be considered high fashion in the teen world?

I feel like I could write a whole book on this subject, but I will spare you, however teenage girls trying to dress like they are in there thirties is just weird, but it happens. It’s like their dream is the movie 13 going on 30 with Jennifer Garner, and I think it is because they all secretly just want to make enough money to buy couture.


Bosler said...

This is a very interesting topic. There are so many people in this country who are in debt trying to look wealthier by buying these brands. I think its sad and no wonder no one can manage money in this country.

Anonymous said...

hahah well i work at south coast and these mom/daughter combos come in all the time. usually the mom desses sluttier then the daughter as well as having matching channel ipod cases... ya they make those. ranging from $250-$500. we usually just laugh at them but increasinly, especially closer to the holidays their numbers are increasing and are going to take over the mall

SophieRose said...

My fried worked at express for awhile and finally quit because of their marketing tactics. She told me they constantly put older women in close meant for those half their age and told them they looked fabulous. Their tactics were based on selling and they liked telling these desperate to fit in older women that these scandalous outfits actually worked for them.

SophieRose said...

I hate brand names! I love target.

Allison Wonderland II said...

it most definelty is more prevelent in orange county, but its seeping into the far corners of the world. i ahte the brand name phenomenon thing- its irratating, people buy it becuase its expensive, and vice versa- things are more expensive because it has a name on it. its ridicluous, adn its all a waste. i, too, like the occasional item with a pricey name, but only because the design is great or because you know its made better, but the name brand whores are taking it too far- come on, have a little decency will ya? show that you have some fashion sense besides what they tell you to wear.

Nathan said...

I think its even weirder when I saw a mom inside Abercrombie trying on clothes for herself. It was like, grow up! But we are all so obsessed with age that its hard no to try and look as young as possible (if you are a mom that is).

Anonymous said...

Ha--so I live right next to Newport Harbor High School and I cannot tell you how sad I get when I roll out of bed on my days off and I am in a sweatshirt and jeans with barely any makeup on and these six foot, well clad, gucci carrying teenagers come in and literally trample over me like I'm nothing. Yes, I am REALLY short at 5 feet. But I think there is an attitude in the minds of our younger generation and call me old but I feel disrespected.


Anonymous said...

Its ridiculous how expensive brands can be. I hate shopping partly because I'm a guy but also because I feel like I'm being charged to wear advertisements for a company. Shouldn't they be paying me?